G'day! My name is
Jay Clayton

Nice to meet ya! I am a passionate freelancer that loves working with businesses to craft their identity and achieve their goals.

Who is this dude?

I specialise in the services you need to launch your business idea or revitalise your brand. Sounds copy-and-paste-y but I firmly believe, and know, that great design that represents [insert brand message and target market] is a small investment for a game-changing result.

This freelance situation was born out of a passion to be IN the business world, and not just a small cog in a company. So, I didn't wait to start this journey, while doing my Business Bachelor thing at uni I registered an ABN, and started doing anything for anyone as long as it was in the online or design realm.

And that's it. This has transformed into a design-focused strategy and it's safe to say that the output quality has increased exponentially since my uni days.

To introduce myself, as a person and not the business, my loves include terrible bands, good beer, hot coffee, bush-bashing hikes and most importantly, my friends, family and girlfriend.

I work...


I am quite calculated in my creative process. I leave no stone unturned to make sure I am delivering the best possible concepts all the time.


I am constantly looking at my procedures and systems to make sure they are efficient, best practice and make working with me a smooth experience.


We're here to grow your business, and nothing else. Design is an investment that will produce a significant return and I treat it as such.


This is a point-of-difference that naturally comes with freelancing. The lack of team members, assignees and departments allows a constant line of communication, with clear deadlines.


One of the core benefits of working with me is that I make it as easy as possible for you, however, that does not mean you won't be deeply involved throughout the process and have the first and final say.


Hustle culture is gross, but unfortunately I am a workaholic. I get bored easily and I love what I do, sue me.