Back to Mind

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Project overview

You might have seen me work with Viv on Next Act, her coaching and counselling service for creative professionals. She wanted to apply her skills to a niche she's very familiar with: helping those with Scoliosis and chronic back pain. Initially, she considered merging this new niche under Next Act, but after discussing it, we decided to create a separate identity and website, aimed at youngsters dealing with insecurity and low self-esteem.


The result, Back to Mind, is a kind, caring, and empathetic brand identity with plenty of personality. The main challenge was avoiding spine imagery, commonly used in this field. Instead, we focused on the feelings her clients aspire to: peace, happiness, and comfort in their own skin. This vision is reflected across the brand, from the logo to the illustrations.

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This was such a fun client and I'm so glad we could arrive at a great outcome! If you would like to work with me, click the button below to get in contact.

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