Serious Injury Solicitors

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Project overview

Serious Injury Solicitors is an injury specialist law firm looking to take on the big guns and become the go-to for personal injury claims. They needed to stand apart from the established competition with a brand look and feel that was sharp, professional and stylish.


The team at SIS were beyond stoked with how the project turned out, with the identity centrepiece the SIS monogram-style logo and a word mark that matches the sleek, elegant design style used. The whole brand is primarily black and white but uses a bold orange as an accent colour as required. I also got to create their website, where I was able to flesh out this brand further into icons, photography treatment and more.

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This was such a fun client and I'm so glad we could arrive at a great outcome! If you would like to work with me, click the button below to get in contact.

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