Hide & Seek Games

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Hi there!

‘Hide & Seek Games’ is a board game publishing company that has recently found success through a few popular products.

Growing quickly, they need a new logo to reflect the company's commitment to creativity, entertaining experiences and fun in board game publishing.The design style should work on board game boxes, promotional material and digital placements such as an app and social media.

Thank you!

Hide & Seek Games

Full Brief

Industry: Board Games & Entertainment

Target Audience: Our primary target audience is the 25-40 year old bracket. This audience loves getting their friends together for a night in, having a tonne of fun while letting their competitiveness run wild.

Brand Personality: Creative, fun, innovative.

Design Elements: We would love some fun typography to be incorporated into the logo. The logo should be visually appealing while incorporating elements that evoke the sense of wonder and adventure associated with board games.

Design Requirements: Ensure that the company name, "Hide & Seek Games," is prominently featured and easy to read in the logo. The logo should be versatile and look great in various contexts, including on game boxes, promotional material and digital placements such as an app and social media.


Disclaimer, the below amazing designs are not mine, they have been sourced from the interwebs as inspiration for this logo brief.

No items found.

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